Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Nightshade (Nightshade, #1)     Calla and Ren are meant to be mates. It was written along time ago, and that's the way it has to be. Calla must follow the orders of the Keepers. She is an alpha and she must control her pack.
     But when Shay the new kid comes to town Calla brakes some of the Keepers rules and the consequences could be deadly, if anyone every found out that is. While Calla and Shay start to spend more time together it is clear Shay isn't like most humans. There is something special about him. Will Calla follow the Keepers orders or pick her own fate? Follow Calla and her pack in this wild adventure about wolves, and love triangles.

10 out of 10


  1. I have heard so many good things about this series! I really need to check it out!

    your newest follower,

    1. I have to say, that EVERYONE SHOULD READ THEM!

  2. Hey Kayla, I have honestly read so many things about this novel and all said that they either loved or hated it!!! But you just put it into perspective for me... I will definitely be reading it.
    New Follower
